AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Oil Filters (EaBP) provide the best possible filtration protection against wear and oil degradation. Working in conjunction with the engine's full-flow oil filter, AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filters operate by filtering oil on a "partial-flow" basis.
Product Description
AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Oil Filters (EaBP) provide the best possible filtration protection against wear and oil degradation. Working in conjunction with the engine's full-flow oil filter, AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filters operate by filtering oil on a "partial-flow" basis. They draw approximately 10 percent of the oil pump’s capacity at any one time and trap the extremely small, wear-causing contaminants that full-flow filters can't remove. The AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filter typically filters all the oil in the system several times an hour, so the engine continuously receives analytically clean oil.
Higher Efficiency & Longer Lasting
AMSOIL EaBP Filters have an efficiency of 98.7 percent at two microns. At normal operating RPMs the EaBP Filter will filter all of the oil in a typical five quart sump in less than 10 minutes.
2 years
2 years
2 years
1 year
Superior Construction
The superior construction of AMSOIL EaBP Filters provides better sealing and increased longevity along with superior corrosion resistance. AMSOIL EaBP Filters have a marine powder coated exterior; and their zinc-dichromate base plates increase rust protection. EaBP Filters have a nitrile HNBR gasket and an orange silicone anti-drain valve. The two stage pleated and layered cellulose/full synthetic media has an efficiency rating of 98.7 percent at two microns.
Longer Lasting
When used in conjunction with AMSOIL motor oil and an AMSOIL
EaO or Donaldson Endurance™ filter, the EaBP Filter should be
changed every other full-flow filter change up to 60,000 miles.
When used with other brands of motor oil or full-flow filters, the EaBP
Filter should be changed every other full-flow filter change. AMSOIL
recommends using oil analysis when extending oil drain intervals.
Increased Oil Capacity
The increased fluid system capacity and filtration
life provides improved oil cooling and ensures that
equipment constantly runs on clean oil. Engine efficiency
is increased, providing extended engine life.
Soot Removal
AMSOIL has designed a new high-efficiency
by-pass filter element that is also a soot removal
device. AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filters use a synthetic/cellulose sandwiched media. The inner
layer of the element is composed of a highly efficient
cellulose media covered with a full synthetic
media outer layer. According to ISO 23556 testing, these filters remove 39 percent
of soot contaminants less than one micron.
Soot removal efficiency increases approximately
10 to 14 percent when the EaBP Filter is used in conjunction with a standard full-flow filter.
By-Pass Filtration Benefits
• Dramatically Extended Drain Intervals
• Improved Oil Cooling
• Increased Filtration Capacity and Life
• Increased Fluid System Capacity
• Efficient Small Particle and Soot Removal
• Significantly Extended Engine Life
• Equipment Constantly Runs on Clean Oil
• Increased Engine Efficiency
• Remove Particles Less Than One Micron
Type of Unit
Stock Number
Crankcase Capacityb
(Used with BMK21 or any DUAL REMOTE SYSTEM)
up to 9
Pleasure Vehicles, Light Trucks and Smaller Commercial Applications
up to 15
up to 21
(Used with BMK22 DUAL-GUARD)
15 to 18 qt.
Trucks, Construction, Farm and Industrial Equipment
15 to 30
15 to 42
SPIN-ON ELEMENT (Used with BMK30 Heavy-Duty Bypass System)
24 to 60 qt.
Large Trucks, Construction, Farm and Industrial Equipment
a. Make sure to check oil level with engine oil dipstick to ensure proper level. This additional volume is an estimate and should be properly evaluated using the dipstick.
b. Filters can be used on sumps of larger capacity but may require more frequent filter replacement.
EABP90 filter shown in dual remote bypass system
Vehicles with sump capacities up to and including 15 qts
BMK21 (Filters sold separately)
Any size AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filter Element
BMK23 (Filters and spin-on adapter sold separately)
Any size AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filter Element, and 3/4"-16 thread EaO filter as room permits
BMK25 Cummins Diesels
(Filters and spin-on adapter included)
EaO26 and EaBP100 Ea By-Pass Filter Element
BMK26 International Diesels
(Filters and spin-on adapter included)
EaO26 and EaBP100 Ea By-Pass Filter Element
BMK27 Duramax Diesels (in GM Pick-ups)
(Filters and spin-on adapter included)
EaO26 and EaBP100 Ea By-Pass Filter Element
Vehicles with sump capacities greater than 15 qts
BMK22 Dual Gard (Hose and filters sold separately)
Any size AMSOIL Ea By-Pass
(mount requires 2 filters)
BMK30 Dual Gard (Hose and filters sold separately)
EaBP120 Ea By-Pass Filter Element
6 x More Wear Protection for Diesel Engines with AMSOIL Bypass Filtration System
Gasoline powered engines also benefits from the added filtration efficiencies of the AMSOIL Bypass Systems
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Product Name: Ea By-Pass Oil Filters (EaBP)
Current Rating: 3.25
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