AMSOIL Oil & Air Filtration
Racing & Carbureted Engine Air Filters
AMSOIL Racing and Street Rod Filters (EaAR)
Racing & Street Rod Filters (EaAR)

AMSOIL EaAR Filters are specially designed for racing and street rod enthusiasts who desire AMSOIL Ea protection in carbureted applications.

AMSOIL Product Code: EaAR


Product Application
AMSOIL custom EaAR Filter assemblies are designed for racing applications. They incorporate good looks and excellent air flow in addition to the high efficiency afforded by AMSOIL Ea nanofiber technology. These custom air cleaner assemblies are designed for use with carbureted engines that use a 14-inch round element air cleaner housing. AMSOIL EaAR kits provide more air flow than competing assemblies. The kits feature the common 14-inch diameter carburetor plate, air filter and high air flow lid along with a two-inch, three-inch, four-inch, five-inch or six-inch-high filter. Replacement filters, air flow lids and carburetor plates are also sold separately.

See detailed EaAR Specification and Part Numbers

Product Description
AMSOIL EaAR Filters are specially designed for racing and street rod enthusiasts who desire AMSOIL Ea protection in carbureted applications. AMSOIL EaAR Air Filters are constructed with the same synthetic nanofiber media as other AMSOIL Ea Air Filters.

Ea Air Flow Lids
AMSOIL EaAR Filter kits provide racers with more power through the new Ea air flow lids. The air flow lids are constructed using AMSOIL Ea nanofiber media, adding filtration area. They feature a polished aluminum trim ring with AMSOIL logos etched on the surface. Not only do the Ea air flow lids add filter area, they actually redirect air inside the filter to pull in more air through the side pleats for even greater performance efficiency.

Advanced Filtration Technology
AMSOIL EaAR Air Filters are designed to replace stock cellulose, oil-wetted gauze or foam filters. The nanofibers in EaAR Filter media have sub-micron diameters and small inter-fiber spaces, resulting in more contaminants being captured on the surface of the media. Cellulose, wetted gauze and foam filters are larger and have larger spaces between the fibers in the media, causing contaminants to load into the depth of the filter, plugging the airflow path and resulting in higher restriction than one micron in diameter, and because of their size, there are more pores per square-inch (higher pore density), allowing for higher dirt-holding capacity and lower pressure drop when compared to traditional filter media. Thinner media fibers, like those in EaAR Air Filters, produce more uniform pore size distribution, improving the filter’s overall ability to capture and retain particles.

Quality Construction
AMSOIL EaAR Filters' nanofiber media is pleated with epoxy-coated wire for additional strength and stiffness. A high-quality plastisol potting compound is used to ensure filter media and screen stability while sealing the filter in the air box. The EaAR filtration system allows air to flow both through the side of the filter and through the nanofiber media of the lid, adding more filter area, greater performance and superior efficiency.

Quick Cleaning
AMSOIL EaAR Air Filters are cleanable and long lasting. AMSOIL recommends cleaning EaAR Filters when designated by the restriction gauge if the vehicle is so equipped, or according to operating conditions. In dusty conditions or in high-performance vehicles, more frequent cleaning may be required. EaAR Air Filters may be cleaned by vacuuming the media on the dirty side or using low-pressure shop air on the clean side. AMSOIL recommends cleaning EaAR Filters as conditions dictate.

Consult the below dimension sheet for applications.

AMSOIL# Diameter (in.) Height (in.) Description
EaAR2102 14" 2.75" Complete Filter Kit
EaAR2103 14" 3.625" Complete Filter Kit
EaAR2104 14" 4.6875" Complete Filter Kit
EaAR2105 14" 5.6875" Complete Filter Kit
EaAR2106 14" 6.875" Complete Filter Kit
EaAR2140 14" N/A Replacement Base for Kit
EaAR2141 14" .875" Replacement Lid for Kit
EaAR2142 14" 2" Replacement Filter for Kit
EaAR2143 14" 3" Replacement Filter for Kit
EaAR2144 14" 4" Replacement Filter for Kit
EaAR2145 14" 5" Replacement Filter for Kit
EaAR2146 14" 6" Replacement Filter for Kit

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Motor Oil
Gasoline Engine Oils
0W-16 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OES)0W-16 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (AZS)0W-16 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil (HE016)0W-20 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (ASM)0W-20 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLZ)0W-20 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OEZ)0W-20 LS European Motor Oil (AFE)0W-20 LS-VW European Motor Oil (EZT)0W-20 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM020)0W-20 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil (HE020)0W-20 Synthetic-Blend Motor Oil (SB020)0W-30 MS European Motor Oil (EOT)0W-30 Signature Series (AZO)0W-40 Signature Series Motor Oil (AZF)0W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFO)0W-40 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OEG)5W-20 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLM)5W-20 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OEM)5W-20 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (ALM)5W-20 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM520)5W-20 Synthetic-Blend Motor Oil (SB520)5W-30 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (ASL)5W-30 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLF)5W-30 LS European Motor Oil (AEL)5W-30 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OEF)5W-30 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM530)5W-30 Synthetic-Blend Motor Oil (SB530)5W-40 MS European Motor Oil (AFL)5W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFM)5W-50 Signature Series Motor Oil (AMR)10W-30 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (ATM)10W-30 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLT)10W-30 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OET)10W-30 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM1030)10W-40 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLO)10W-40 Premium Protection Motor Oil (AMO)10W-60 FS European Motor Oil (ETS)20W-50 Premium Protection Motor Oil (ARO)
Diesel Engine Oils
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Motorcycle & Scooter Oils
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Marine Motor Oil
Outboard 100:1 Pre-Mix Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil (ATO)HP Marine Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil (HPM)10W-30 Formula 4-Stroke® Marine Synthetic Motor Oil (WCT)10W-40 Formula 4-Stroke® Marine Synthetic Motor Oil (WCF)15W-40 Heavy-Duty Diesel & Marine (AME)25W-40 Synthetic Blend Marine Engine Oil
Racing & High Performance
SAE 60 Dominator® Synthetic Racing Oil (RD60)Briggs & Stratton Synthetic 4T Racing Oil (GBS2960)Dominator® Synthetic 2-Cycle Racing Oil (TDR)SAE 30 Break-In Oil (BRK)Engine Assembly Lube (EAL)5W-20 Dominator® Synthetic Racing Oil (RD20)10W-30 Dominator® Synthetic Racing Oil (RD30)10W-40 Dominator® Synthetic Racing Oil (RD40)15W-50 Dominator® Synthetic Racing Oil (RD50)
Classic & High Performance
SAE 30 Break-In Oil (BRK)Engine Assembly Lube (EAL)10W-30 Z-ROD Synthetic Motor Oil (ZRT)10W-40 Premium Protection Motor Oil (AMO)10W-40 Z-ROD Synthetic Motor Oil (ZRD)20W-50 Premium Protection Motor Oil (ARO)20W-50 Z-ROD Synthetic Motor Oil (ZRF)
European Motor Oils
0W-20 LS European Motor Oil (AFE)0W-20 LS-VW European Motor Oil (EZT)0W-30 MS European Motor Oil (EOT)0W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFO)5W-30 LS European Motor Oil (AEL)5W-40 MS European Motor Oil (AFL)5W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFM)10W-60 FS European Motor Oil (ETS)
High-Mileage Motor Oil
0W-20 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM020)5W-20 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM520)5W-30 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM530)10W-30 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM1030)
Hybrid Motor Oil
0W-16 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil (HE016)0W-20 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil (HE020)
4-Stroke & Small Engine Oils
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2 Cycle / 2 Stroke Motor Oil
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Natural Gas Engine Oil
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ATF & Gear Lube
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Gear LubeHigh Performance Gear Lube
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Semi Truck Gear Lube
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Racing & Off Road Gear Lube
SAE 250 Severe Gear Racing Gear Lubricant (SRT)Super Shift Racing Transmission Fluid (ART)
Marine Gear Lube 75W/80W-90 (AGM)Gear Lube AdditiveLimited Slip Differential (LSD) Additive Powershift Transmission FluidPowershift Transmission Fluids
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Engine Flush & Degreaser
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